Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tolerating Misery

The kind of misery I’m talking about is the ability to get uncomfortable & down right miserable in the pursuit of a worthy goal.

Think about the athletes training for the Olympics’. They may love the sport but they’ve found a way to be miserable in the pursuit of something great.

They train regardless of the pain and accept that it’s part of the territory.

The pain is not going away.

If fact, the pain is a guide… the athlete knows when he feels some pain, he’s breaking down, building and strengthening muscles.

The same is true for us ordinary people.

The fear will never go away and we will never have more time than we have in this moment.
We make a decision that our goal is worth waking up at 4:00am for. Its worth living with a little sleep deprivation and its worth walking through fears.

It’s okay to be temporarily miserable because true misery is having dreams and NOT pursuing them.

When you go to bed at night after you’ve worked all day, cooked dinner, did home work with the kids, cleaned the house and even spent one hour working on your dream job … you feel like a super hero.

You’re taking charge of your life and your happiness.

You’re not sitting around waiting for circumstances to suddenly align and fear to finally disappear before you begin.

To your dreams,

Nicole Guillory