Monday, July 28, 2008

A Miserable Rotten Day.

Have you ever had one of those days that just stinks…
you’re in a rotten mood and you have no idea why.

Yesterday, I had one of those days.

I wanted to go back to bed but I wasn’t tired. I tried
watching T.V., then I was disgusted by all the negative
garbage I was seeing.

I wanted to do something exciting but I didn’t know
what it was.

My house was a mess and I was a mess.

I noticed that I was wishing it was Monday, so I
wouldn't have to think about all of this.
Now, you know you’re in trouble when you want the
weekend to be over so you can go back to work.

That was my cue.

Something was wrong and I needed to find out what.

Years ago I had a lot more tolerance for misery, but
not any more.

I was sitting on my couch wondering what to do when
I saw a book on my bookshelf that caught my attention.

It was the The War of Art by Stephen Pressfield.

I picked it up and started thumbing through the pages
and I was fascinated all over again. It had been years
since I last read it, but today it really applied to my
miserable condition.

He talks about the crazy things that get in the way of
any worthy pursuit whether it’s working out, sticking
to a diet, writing a book or even starting a business.

We often sabotage our efforts with fears, self doubt,
all sorts of distractions and even creating drama in our

The moment we ignore all the craziness and weird
thinking and get back in the game… we feel better.

Simply taking a couple of hours to re-read this small
book changed the outcome of my day.

I was able to see that all of those wacky, fearful and
insecure emotions were a clever attempt to derail my

Years ago I made a decision to be positive and take
100% responsibility for everything in my life.

It wasn’t easy, but now when I start feeling negative
or like a victim in any way … That’s my warning sign
because it’s so out of character for me today.

Instead of ruining my day and the next day… which
is what I would have done years ago, I was able to
stop the destruction and have a great day.

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Throw down your pom poms…

I was in the mood for shutting my brain off this weekend and decided to watch a little T.V. While I was channel surfing, I saw a musician being interviewed, so I stopped to listen.

The musician was Trace Adkins and he was talking about the defining moment when he made a decision to become a real musician.

He had received a call one day from a friend about his music career, which he had given up on … thinking it was just a pipe dream.

After he finished whining about his lack of success, his friend said “When are you going to throw down your pom poms and get in the game”?

Surprised, he said “What do you mean, get in the game? I’ve been trying, just no luck.”

His friend said “trying? If you were really trying, you’d be in Nashville.”

At that moment, he realized that if he didn’t do this, he’d spend the rest of his life wondering … “What if?”

Wow, did this strike a chord with me!

You see, I’m the kind of person that’s sees talent and brilliance in everyone … else.

I think most of us are really good supporters of our friends and loved ones but when it comes to our dreams, we down play the importance of giving it your all.

During this interview, I realized that I would go to any length to help out anyone else but I wasn’t really playing the game for myself.

Why, you wonder?

Perhaps … A hundred different forms of fear.

You know, the funny thing about fear is that it will never go away until you face it.

Then, guess what?

There will be a new, bigger, more powerful one waiting for you to conquer once again.

I’ll share a little secret…

I used to think that I had more fears than most people. I truly believed that something was wrong with me and that it wasn’t natural to feel so much fear.

A good friend and mentor told me that I was comparing my insides to other people’s outside’s.

She said, “Everyone feels fear, but it’s what you do with the fear that matters most.”

If fear is holding you back, a great book to read is Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers.

So, throw down the pom poms, feel the fear and get in the game!

Have a wonderful day!